Replacing mass-produced with handcrafted, one plate at a time.
I make pottery. All of it is done by hand, by me: Craig Richmond. An old adage among potters says that to make a truly great pot, you have to make it twice: first you must make a good shape in an appealing form that serves its intended purpose. Second, you must glaze it well so it is visually appealing and safe to use.
Good dinnerware requires third effort: each piece needs to match its siblings. Consistency in handmade pottery is a big challenge, and possibly the thing I’m most proud of. I make sets of dishes that are visually appealing, stack or nest well, and are practical. These seem like simple things, but there’s a reason most small scale potteries don’t make dinnerware.
When you buy RCW pottery, you receive more than just a plate for your meal or a bowl for your soup. You receive an object that, while uniform, is distinct. At first look your set all looks alike, but I treasure the handmade details that you’ll only begin to see with daily use. These objects are individuals, with secrets to share with you. Evidence of the hands that made them.
Thank you for letting me put these pots out in the world, to live and serve and spark wonder for a lifetime to come.